Friday 10 April 2009

. : Tie + Sham : .

: : Salam : :
This order request frm TIE ( Putrajaya ) for her bufday. Together with her hubby. Request for fondant topping with RED + WHITE team colour..

The order together with 50pcs of Blueberry Muffins....

Tp saya cket terkilan sbb saya xsempat nak kenal sape sebenarnya Cik Tie yg order Cuppies + muffins ni coz die order thru my sista..
walau pape pn TQ sooo much to Ms Tie and hope u like it.. H.A.P.P.Y B.U.F.D.A.Y


  1. comelnye cupcake sue skang...
    nnt org tunang leh sponsor cupcake ye...
    ntah bile la tu...

  2. sheeen..TQ
    bole ajee..
    excited jgk nk wat utk p'tunagan sheen nati ni..;)
